lunes, 30 de junio de 2014


The Centre for Information and Education for the Prevention of Drug Abuse (CEDAR) in partnership with the Local Education Management Unit Huamanga and CAC St. Mary Magdalene; performed today, the Graffiti Contest I have called "Express Yourself."

Participated in this activity students 11 Ayacucho Educational Institutions: José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, José Gabriel Condorcanqui, Haraud Javier, San Ramon, December 9, Luis Carranza, Carlos Fernández Montes de Oca, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Francisco Bolognesi, Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala and Mariscal Cáceres; the same who painted the walls of their schools with messages to no drug use.

This first contest was held in order to promote students creativity in developing graffiti as a means of self-expression through the arts with the theme "International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking drug.”

These graffiti were supported before a jury, who after a thorough evaluation winner got to EI José Faustino Sánchez Carrión the metropolitan district of San Juan Bautista, creditors who were pennant. The second place was the I.E. Carlos Fernández Montes de Oca of AA.HH. Covadonga and third place went to I.E. Mariscal Cáceres district of Ayacucho.

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